Visit RIEM

         The RIEM being one of the premier institute of school and teacher education a number of teachers, teacher-educator and students from different schools and colleges visit the institute on a regular basis. Visit to RIEM is in the programme schedule of various educational institutions specifically from southern states as part of their educational tour to Mysuru. Institute also provide accommodation in the guest hostel on payment to the educational institutions for educational tour subject to availabiltiy and prior permission. Following are some of the places to be visieted in the Institute:

1. Science Laborotories of Physics, Chemistry, Botony, and Zoology 
2. Museums of Botony and Zoology
3. Mathematics Laboratory
4. Educational Technology Lab
5. Computer Applications Lab including the e-Learning lab
6. Language Laboratory
7. Institute Library
8. Exploratory
9. Psychology Laboratory
10. The Institute has a science park for Popularisation of Science amongst children. Several exhibits are on display in the science park. A number of teachers, teacher-educator and students from different schools, colleges visit the science park for out-of-school learning of science. The models among others include levers, pulleys and models to demonstrate the principles of momentum and gravity.
Visit to all these places should be on prior approval